söndag 18 april 2010

I used to think that loving someone makes you stronger.... now I am not so sure.
Seems to just eat me up from the inside and not really give anything back.... Maybe it is being loved that makes you strong, not the feeling of love in itself

fredag 2 april 2010

Elmia day 1

I love this show....

day one has been going well... I got everything set up alright and the day has worked even though i hav´nt slept at all last night... I was dizzy at breakfast, and unforgivably clumsy all day...

Anyway, the uncovering of the secret car went well and I can disclose now the the car in question is actually the new comeback project of Lukas Koos, the Zpirit

My model Joakim Wikström was a hit.. he has been strutting around bare chested all day making the girls drool. Once there was a pair that went past where the guy suddenly yelled at his girlfriend "..Stop looking!!!" Wonderfull! I couldnt have found a better person for this.
Mostly i have been getting good responses. And I have started painting him and it is turning out quite well....
getting sore feet from the high heels, but oh well.

Also I am presented in the show catalog which is really great. The Mustang I am showing will soon get a faded paintjob from the constant picture taking... People seem to really like it!
Meeting loads of old and new freinds and clients.

Yup, bedtime though... the biggest day coming up.. this is just the beginning hehe