onsdag 15 december 2010

New pictures on my Facebook page... Check it out!

onsdag 22 september 2010

oh man.... this whole business of trying to keep my pages updated is not going well. At all. So much has happened, and so much happening, and so little of it here

onsdag 28 juli 2010

Enjoying a bit of a holiday at the moment... Something almost unheard of for someone with their own company.... I am going to try and get better at keeping my homepage and blog up to date. soon.

torsdag 10 juni 2010

new pictures!

Check out my facebook page for a bunch of new pictures... Coming up eventually on my homepage as well

söndag 18 april 2010

I used to think that loving someone makes you stronger.... now I am not so sure.
Seems to just eat me up from the inside and not really give anything back.... Maybe it is being loved that makes you strong, not the feeling of love in itself

fredag 2 april 2010

Elmia day 1

I love this show....

day one has been going well... I got everything set up alright and the day has worked even though i hav´nt slept at all last night... I was dizzy at breakfast, and unforgivably clumsy all day...

Anyway, the uncovering of the secret car went well and I can disclose now the the car in question is actually the new comeback project of Lukas Koos, the Zpirit

My model Joakim Wikström was a hit.. he has been strutting around bare chested all day making the girls drool. Once there was a pair that went past where the guy suddenly yelled at his girlfriend "..Stop looking!!!" Wonderfull! I couldnt have found a better person for this.
Mostly i have been getting good responses. And I have started painting him and it is turning out quite well....
getting sore feet from the high heels, but oh well.

Also I am presented in the show catalog which is really great. The Mustang I am showing will soon get a faded paintjob from the constant picture taking... People seem to really like it!
Meeting loads of old and new freinds and clients.

Yup, bedtime though... the biggest day coming up.. this is just the beginning hehe

torsdag 25 mars 2010

M.A.N release and new video

My good friends M.A.N have the release of their new album on Saturday (come and see if you can handle some seriously heavy metal) in Göteborg and I have had a finger in some details of the album cover... (Pictures coming up)
Also i have done the paintwork on Roberts bass guitars. You can see them on my homepage.
But even in these videos, check them out. the newest one Logocide has just now been released...

In the end of the second one "blood vanish" (a really great video by the way) You can glimpse my stallion doing his first try at being a film star....
And all three of these songs are very good indeed




måndag 15 mars 2010


coming upp at a terrific pace, Elmia Custom motor Show is closing in..... Wonderfully exiting, but so much to prepare and plan so I just want to curl up in a ball and hide...

But very possibly the best year ever, I am quite sure that after this show alot of new people are going to know who I am. Not only will I be airbrushing a good looking guy from real life onto a car bonnet in my own booth, I have also been involved in 2 secret projects that are going to get uncovered at the show and will get a lot of attention, AND I have painted a little thing that Chip Foose will be presented with at the show on behalf of the GBG VW club.

torsdag 4 februari 2010

some links of me-related stuff

I was idly Googling myself, and found a mish-mash of stuff I have done that might be of intrest, like a couple links to happenings I have been to

From FUZZ guitar show 2009:

Motormagasinet- Elmia 2009 (a little picture a little way down on the page)

Another link to the spring collection of Mountain horse USA catalog
(look at page 8)

And some old stuff, like have you seen this marvelous book I did the cover of a few years back? It is a really funny book written by a guy in India and published in sweden by a good old freind of mine Sarriy

And here is booklet I illustrated for a live roll game I was part of some years back

And the logo of a year (can´t quite remember what year it was though) for GothCon, a Gothenburg gaming convention that happens every year

onsdag 27 januari 2010

Finally I am a tattoed person

After years and years of planning I have finally gotten my very first tattoo... Lost my tattoo virginity, so to speak. Done by the very talented Marcus at Funny Farm Tattoo in Skövde.

Only problem is that it is not done!!!! But luckily I get to get it finished before the fast approaching Elmia Custom Motor show

tisdag 5 januari 2010

Wow, this cold is amazing!
Don´t know if we have had cold for so many days in row since I came to Sweden 20 years ago. At least not this cold. I like it. Though some things get difficult, like driving my old wreck with the windows all iced up and no heater, or when the water in my house froze, or when my fingers dissapear when i try to do things with my horses, but still. I like it.